
Composiciones que reflejan emociones profundas y autenticidad musical.

man in gray quarter-sleeved shirt singing
man in gray quarter-sleeved shirt singing
Canciones Inspiradoras

Melodías que evocan calma, creatividad y profundidad emocional.

man playing black electric guitar
man playing black electric guitar
silhoutte of woman holding microphone
silhoutte of woman holding microphone
man holding microphone low light photography
man holding microphone low light photography
Música Original

Fusion de rock latino, pop alternativo y melancolía en composiciones únicas.

Música Inspiradora

Explora las composiciones auténticas y apasionadas de Juanko Tara aquí.

man holding microphone performing on stage
man holding microphone performing on stage
woman performing on stage with closed eyes and holding a microphone
woman performing on stage with closed eyes and holding a microphone
man in black jacket playing piano
man in black jacket playing piano
man in gray suit standing beside brown wooden table
man in gray suit standing beside brown wooden table

Las composiciones de Juanko reflejan emociones profundas. Su música fusiona rock latino, pop alternativo y melancolía, creando melodías inspiradoras.

María G.

man holding microphone on stage
man holding microphone on stage
